Your Cycle, Your Choice: Exploring Fertility Awareness Options

Why Working with a Fertility Awareness Instructor is Essential

Charting your cycle can be challenging, which is why it’s crucial to work with a trained and certified instructor! On my podcast, I’ve had the privilege of interviewing various instructors who specialize in fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs). These experts can help you understand your cycle better, explore the different methods available, and ultimately find the approach that works best for you.

Need More Support?

If you’re looking for even more guidance, consider enrolling in my course, Start Your Chart™! For just $27, I provide a comprehensive overview of the various methods available. This course will help you identify what you need in an instructor, and I’ll even provide email templates to help you reach out and connect with your ideal instructor. Plus, you’ll receive a wealth of resources to confidently start charting with an instructor!
